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  2. 設計IP
  3. USB
  4. MCS7820


製品カテゴリ 設計IP
製品種別 USB
製品・サービス名 MCS7820
販売元会社名 moschip
国名 印度
製品概要 USB 2.0 to Two Serial Port General Description : The MCS7820 is a USB 2.0 to Dual-Serial Port device. It has been developed to connect a wide range of standard serial devices to a USB host. The MCS7820 has a USB device controller connected to two (2) individual UARTs. Features: USB 2.0 Device Controller. On-Chip USB 2.0 PHY. Two (2) 16c450/16c550 compatible UARTS. Supports RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 Serial Ports. 5, 6, 7 & 8-bit Serial format support. Supports hardware and software flow control. Standard serial port speeds from 75 bps to 6 Mbits/sec. Customer-specified Baud rates are also supported. Dual data FIFOs for upstream and downstream data transfers. Supports Remote-Wakeup and Power Management features. Serial Port transceiver shutdown support. Two-wire I2C Interface for EEPROM. Supports write access for external EEPROM. Without EEPROM, Selectable option to get default Serial Number or No Serial Number. Two Bi-directional multi-function GPIO Lines. Supports 8-Byte (UNICODE) Serial Number. On-Chip buffers for Serial port signals can operate without external Transceivers over short cable lengths
製品詳細情報 製品実績あり/供給可能
問合せ先会社名 シリップ
問合せ先電話番号 042-321-2042

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